Design & Order


Design & Order is a lean-based consulting firm created by LeiLani Thomas. They specialize in commercial and residential space beautification and aesthetic design improvements.  


The goal of this project was to revamp their previous website and give it a more modern look and feel, ensuring their services and portfolio were easy to identify and use. 

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True to the request, the site was revamped and given a much fresher look and feel while both simplifying and amplifying the user’s experience. LeiLani’s new site has a predictable, yet elegant hierarchy, giving users a significantly more comfortable scroll compared to her previous site.

The Icing


The highlight features for this site are the Scrolling Hero section, which puts the brand and projects front and center; the Improved Design, which greatly amplified all areas of her online activities; and the Gallery, which showcases her projects in an organized way.

Inside view
Scrolling Hero

The Scrolling Hero features several images of Design & Order’s projects, team members, and brand-related photos. 

It serves as an opening statement of what they’re all about and why you should care. Incorporating a careful selection of photos, it meshes well with the blue text and background to the left and under it, creating a sense of cool unification. 

Inside view
Improved Design

LeiLani’s previous site needed some serious work. It lacked a predictable hierarchy, which dismantled the story and overall selling points. Additionally, the site’s structure was complex and outdated. Its disproportionate spacing, coupled with the lack of icons and consistent layout, created a sense of 2013 in the user, making it miss easy points for trust building and professionalism.

Comparing the two, it’s easy to spot how tweaking certain aspects of a design can drastically affect the overall presentation of a website. This has a lot to do with keeping proper spacing, using supportive headers, icons, and images, and ensuring the site follows some form of consistency from section to section

Inside view

A Gallery page is essential for a business like Design & Order. As they are in the interior design industry, having a portfolio of previous homes and spaces allows interested customers to get an idea of what they’ve done and what they can do.


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Website, Author's Portfolio
Website, News Publication

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