City Pride Magazine


City Pride Magazine is an LA-based publication that was founded by Charles Jackson Jr. in 2006. It focuses primarily on positive happenings and untold city events. 


The goal of this project was to create a website that would easily display news articles as well as provide space for online advertisements and company announcements. 

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This resulted in a straight-forward news/blog site with multiple categories for their different articles. It features a large and attractive header that resonates well with their name and the dark theme, as well as a right sidebar that displays company announcements, advertisements, and images. 

The Icing


The highlight features for this site are the small preheader, displaying the date, latest posts, and social media links; and Google Analytics, a plugin installed that gives the owner numbers and demographics of the people who visit their site. 

Inside view
Small Preheader

The small preheader is located at the very top of the website. It displays the current date, the latest post, and the company’s social media.

The social media links located in the top right-hand corner of the website are a great way to attract their audience members to more of their outlets. 

Inside view
Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an analytics program that tracks website traffic on every level imaginable. It gives the site owner insight into the online behavior and demographics of their audience, letting them know how often people look at certain pages, where these people are located, which posts perform the best, and much more. 

Google Analytic’s reports can analyze specific date ranges. Doing so helps users revisit the content published during those times, effectively allowing them to create more of what works and edit what doesn’t. Additionally, knowing the locations of their audience lets them know who’s close to home and who’s further away, enabling them to tailor their effective content even more. 


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Website, Interior Design
Website, Nonprofit

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