Much More Bounce Inc.


M.M.B.I. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded by Meschellia Johnson. It helps women and youth improve their lives through services and programs aimed at increasing livelihood, education, and wealth. 


The goal of this project was to create a colorful website that would capture the attention of a wide range of women, children, and people interested in civic engagement. 

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As requested, this resulted in a very colorful website aesthetically pleasing to the eye without being overbearing. The onset and offset of color sections with white space sections, blended with carefully selected headers, create a story that’s intriguing, unique, and concise. 

The Icing


The highlight features for this site are the Hero Sections, which highlight a wide range of women from multiple age ranges and nationalities; the Contact CTA’s, which push the user to get involved with the organization in some way; and the Media section, displaying their blogs and videos. 

Inside view
Hero Section

The large and often colorful hero sections for this site are an excellent way to tell viewers what each page is about in the quickest way possible. 

Being the first and most noticeable part of the website, these headers are a great way to attract and retain audience members. They succinctly explain or compliment the information to follow, giving the viewer valuable information that quickly lets them  decide if they’re looking in the right direction. 

Inside view
Contact Call-to-Action (CTA)

A Call-to-Action block or section is a vital part of any website. They give the user the kick in the butt that people often need when making a purchasing or contacting decision. 

Donate CTA is also very helpful for nonprofit organizations. It prompts users to take action immediately, allowing M.M.B.I. to raise more money for the people they help. 

Inside view
Media Page

The Media section displays the organization’s blogs and videos.This is a great way to both display their content to their audience and house it in one location for their personal archives

Any website centered around constantly sharing information or attracting specific people will do well to have a blog or video section. These sections allow viewers to see your website as a reliable source of information and entertainment


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Website, Interior Design
Website, Author's Portfolio

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